Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Ok after a fantastic run of seven consecutive days on the water here in Cape Hatteras things have wound down a bit today. We are across the street from Dave French (plays guitar) and four houses down from Dave Young's house where t

here is also some great musical ability, We ran into Larry from Michigan at the Food Lion just now and understand Dave Lions and his crew with more musicians are sytaying up in Rodanthe, so we are hoping to get everyone together for a big jam night!

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Yeah, contact Larry Monasterski.  There group is down there and they usually bring their guitars.

Don, not only do you get more days on the water than anyone, you are also living the dream!


We sailed here in Rodanthe last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday all good days on the water.

This week nothing Saturday, Sunday, Monday and today isn't looking good here either. We attempted yesterday with the east off shore breeze, it wasn't worth the effort.

I'll pass the Jam Session message on to our local jammers.


Great thanks Tom. We did get 6.5 action here in Avon yesterday, 3pm till dark, hot tub and Margaritas with Margaret from Avon Sail House!

Ok I have rinsed all the sand off our gear from last Friday's epic session, only took two days to rerig and rinse the sand off everything and rinse out some of our aluminum booms (salt water corrosion on aluminum). We packed up in a hurry Friday evening owing to the advancing storm. Which hit around 9pm leaving us a few hours to pack for home. Many thanks to Dave Dahlquest and Chris for dropping by and turning us on to Pick Axe Blonde Ale!! pics to follow hopefully tomorrow if the rain stays most of the day! Thanks Again to Dave Young and the Ohio crew that made a great night of Margarita's. Bloody Ceasars, and of course Yeungling, and Alexander Keiths. Thanks to Dave French for putting the idea in our heads to do the Jam session, hopefully it will catch on. Sorry to Tom, Larry and the crew up in Rodanthe that we never got a chance to visit with!  Sounds like this week you guys are getting your share as well!

OK I have finally found my camera to computer patch cord and here are some of the pics. Here I was riding after supper and an all day session, pretty much by myself now in Avon, ended the day with a rather harsh case of sun stroke. So remember to hydrate well, I can be such a dumb-ass at times just had to give up a little windsurfing to come in and get a drink of water.

Here the kids across the channel were cleaning a rather large tuna they had caught that day. They snagged 2 mahi mahi, and 2 tuna one around 30lbs and this one closer to if not over 40lbs I said nice catch when I noticed it and they said "Do you like tuna?". I said jokingly Iwould swim across the channel to get some. So they said come  on over and cut us 6 delicious tuna steaks as I drove around to their side of the channel. Thanks again guys.

Finally Dave and Ed do the jam session the second week on an off day loads of fun with Dave Young from Michigan. Ed sailed an older Mistral Ultra light and I believe he only missed one day on the water during the two weeks we were there. He went out on light days as well as heavy air with soft sails and had a great time! The jam sesion went reeally well amid taste testing of Alexander Keiths and Bloody Ceasars. I think we managed to stay awake till midnight that night, the one and only time!

Finally Dave Dahlquest and Dhris dropped by on the final Friday night and we exchanged some brewski's. they brought some Pick Axe Blonde form a Micro Brewery in Northern Michigan that was absolutely fabulous. Thanks again to Dave and Chris.


Wow, Don, looks like another great trip!   Headed to Hatteras Sunday.  Can't wait.

Best of luck. Are you staying with the other guys from Michigan?


Don: It was great to meet you and your crew; thanks for the hospitality and the "pop."
I wish the wind had cooperated more for the week I was there, but it's always a gamble, and we did prepare with options, including paddling the Alligator River, where I captured proof (attached) that the river is aptly named.
Friday was good sailing until my arms just wouldn't take any more of the gusts that my old 4.5 can no longer absorb, but I'll take it! I'm clueless who's in the attached photo; he just happened to be out for the short time I used my camera, but I figured I'd share it - shows the conditions that day.
We spent the following week mt. biking near Asheville - it was very good, and so much better weather than what Michigan was experiencing.

Now I'm back to work, putting back on the fat that I lost from biking last week :-)




I lived in Virginia Beach for 9 years.

close enough for a day trip, but 99% of the time made it last for at least an overnight.

All this talk is making me lonesome for the area!!!!


I'm headed down on Monday.  I'll post session reports if you need the fix!


Yes please do. Looks like we will all need the fix by the look of the wind forecast in our area for the next while!


Brian, watch what you promise.  Remember last year.

Good luck.



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