Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

It wasn't a session for heavy weights or wind snobs, but late afternoon at Stony Creek did not disappoint in fullfilling a desparate need to be on the water today when it was sunny and 73 and there are still remnants of the fall colors.  There was definitely not enough wind forecast to justify the drive to Metro, but went to Stony with low expectations, my gear, and just a little bit of hope.  When I arrived Bruce Chow was occasionally planing on what was probably 6.5 and I decided it was worth it to rig the dreaded 7.0 and the 102L... I was pleasantly surprised when I got on the water and was solidly planing for the first 3 runs... after that it died down for quite awhile...at least it was sub-planing rather than hula schlogging, so not really any work... then all of a sudden the wind picked up and the next thing I knew  I was on a plane sailing into a rainbow!  The rainbow and the wind stuck around for 20 minutes or so...really cool combo of rainbow fall colors and wind on the water!  ...the wind was up and down from there with some occasional great rides... was on the water for 1.5 hr... definitely worth rigging eventhough it was more like a Sunday cruise with the top down than driving a mazerati the Autobahn.  There were a total of 4 windsurfers, and one kiter.   bonus: 5 consecutive weekends with at least one day on the water.

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I wondered if Cass went off? Ann and I were over for the Roger Waters concert at the Palace, but I got the idea too late, on the way over to the concert.
I don't think if it "went off" anywhere but I would bet that anyone who went got some decent rides...with what we've got coming over the next few days...everything will pale in comparison! Bring it on! (wish i had time to go)...



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