Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Shameless plug - Top ten reasons you should attend an ABK camp this year – on Long Island


1)      Life is too short to spend it struggling – ABK has a proven track record of taking sailors to the next level, whatever that level may be.

2)      ABK does not come to Michigan, but it does make 2 stops per year on Long Island – a mere 12 hour drive from Central Michigan.

3)      The Long Island Camp is one week after the Cass Lake swap meet – perfect timing to try out all your newly acquired gear.

4)      There is an optional freestyle focus group. Even if you don’t care for freestyle yourself, it is fun to watch all the crashes as students attempt bizarre slidy, spinny, and loopy tricks. 

5)      You could help out a fellow Michigan windsurfer (me). I don’t want to make the drive alone. I don’t mind flying, but I’d rather not have to rent a car when I get there.

6)      This year, and this year only, I own a nearly empty house within an hour of the ABK site. If you don’t mind the extra travel time each day, you can save the price of a hotel, making this the least expensive ABK option available.

7)      If you are concerned about taking advantage of a stranger – don’t be. There are plenty of ways to make it up to me. I don’t currently have a good place to store my gear. I’m looking for a site to keep a 4’x10’ enclosed trailer.

8)      Hanging out with the Long Island sailing contingent is fun. There is a reason ABK stops on Long Island twice a year.

9)      While sailing conditions cannot be guaranteed, in the roughly 10 years I have been attending, I have only seen one Long Island ABK camp where no one was able to plane. On the other hand, I have also seen Long Island ABK camps which included students throwing back loops with 4.0s on head-high waves.

10)   Cross something off your bucket list. Make a vacation out of it – take in a Broadway play or a Yankees game.

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And it's May 16-18th.  I'd love to go if I could clone myself before then.

Tempting indeed!!!



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