Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

I was recently sailing at Blue Lagoon and saw Harry... He had mentioned a good website for checking the marine winds and I forgot what it was! Anyone know any good sites to check those reports?? Specifically for Blue Lagoon and Metro... Thanks!


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Harry is a Jedi Master and doesn't need no stinkin' website.  He can use the Force.   So, not sure what he told you, but you can use WindAlert  or NOAA.gov (type in Mount Clemens).  Hopefully, Tom Janicki will chime in here, but he's in Hatteras at the moment along with Harry.



Here's a few that I frequently use, though not specifically for your area:

Yeah, WindAlert is good for Metro and Blue Lagoon. WindAlert requires a paid membership to get access to all of its features (recommended), but you can get a lot of info without joining. The Metro and Blue Lagoon sites are "virtual" so you should also look at Selfridge and the St. Claire Buoy. SLB will usually be higher than what you'll actually have at BL or Metro. ...also I don't think you need a website this year. If you look at the calendar and the year says 2013, you can pretty much count on no wind!!!! :|~



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