Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Good Morning
Unbelievable all in all. we never get North winds like that this time of year, all
Started out at 9 am Les showed up from Strathroy around 11 am. I sailed up till about
noon on the 6.5 from 120 litre
board at first to 90 later and then down to a 5.5, which I sailed till around 4pm.
Brooke was there around 12:30.
Greg showed up around 2pm with his stand up paddle board,then Richard Shirley and
then Bernie Pepin, around 3pm. By 5pm
my doctor Peter Scarfone, and Annabel were also both sailing. I can't remember the
last time we had so many people out
on the water here!!
It lulled around 4 as it clouded up for a bit but then the sun broke through and it
powered back up again. Pics to follow,, I hope,,


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Don, we're all so wind-starved that the slightest chance will draw everyone out - except me ;( who can never get out of work.

Yeah!!  Annabel was fit to be tied by the time she got there last night too!! Figured on getting out early around 1 or so but one of her employees called in sick so she had to stay till 4:30. But at least she got there at the right time as the wind came back enough to give her some desent runs! Would be awfull to arrive just as everyone is coming out, saying what  a great day it was, but now the wind is gone!

(1) Below pictures of the parking area at pack up time! It's been a long time since we have had this many sailors out on St. Clair here! (2) Dr. Peter Scarfone and Anabel, last ones out of the water last night.


Don - ran that nice 16.5" True Ames with a 6.9 last night - worked great and much appreciation again.  Just me and a buddy on a Laser out at Crescent- need to make a point of joining the group on the other side one of these times.

Yeah we could see two or three guys windsurfing on your side around 2 or 3pm. We thought they may have sailed out of Patterson Park! Years ago we used to sail right across but now after 911 that would be very unwise, pity!! Glad the fin worked well for you.


Again, same thing on this side of the Lake from 1:30 to 5:30. At least a total of 10 WS sailed the Lagoon with 5.0s to 6.5s for the heavyweights.

Throw in a big lull at 3:00 just in time for a break but back at 15 minutes later. A great day!

Yeah -  feel sorry for Brian poor guy never gets out.

Yeah, Tom, we gotta get some wind on the weekend !!!



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