Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Great late afternoon / evening session after the rains moved thru - just like they predicted!  I'd gotten pretty skeptical after they had predicted wind for several days now and nothing materialized, but yesterday they nailed it.  3 o'clock and the winds turned on - another session on 5.5's and 90 liter boards - yeehah!!!  No pics - too busy sailing...

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Good for you guys!

Now, can we get the forecasters to predict some wind on the weekends?

I got the same wind on White Lake in Whitehall.  I sailed from 4 to 6 pm.  It was a much needed session.  It was my best session of the year.  A cloud bank came through and the sun was streaming through holes.  It was beautiful.  The water had and angry dark look with spots of sun sparkling on it.  It was like I had gone to heaven.  I saw a rainbow in the morning as I drove to work with my boards on my trailer.  I knew I was going to get to sail when I saw the rainbow.  Everything aligned.  It seems like we are in the least windy place on earth.  It really makes you appreciate the sessions you do get.  I am enjoying the day after relaxed windsurfing blissful feeling.  Windsurfing is the best sport in the world!  
I had a gusty, after-work session on lower Lake Leelanau on Wed. First ride out was with a 6.0/95 combination, and when I got about 3/4 of the way across, possibly the strongest gust I've ever experienced got under the board/sail, and tossed me down the lake a bit. No animals were hurt, and I got a laugh out of it. I sailed back to the Bingham boat launch, put up a 5.2, and got an hour of decent sailing in. Like you, Randy, this was overdue. It's not been a good fall sailing season so far - hoping the next month will make up for it, 'cuz it feels too good being out there.
Yeah, we're all getting desperate for wind again.  August went out like a lion, but September has failed us all.  I'm blaming Jeannie for picking up a 62 L board a few weeks ago.


It's good to hear you got some of that wind too.  Either you guys are wimps or I did not have as much wind as you.  5.5's and 5.2 and I was on an 8.0.  I probably should have rigged my 6.0 but did not want to waste any of the wind so I just blasted for 2 hours on the edge of control.  It was sweet.  You might be interested to know I tried out my new used JP X-cite Ride 135 for a short session inside the pier at Muskegon and hit a personal best top speed of 29.3 mph.  I am trying to break the 30 mph mark.  That board jibes like a dream.  I did my first "hero gibe" that day.  It accelerates into the turn like I have never felt before, and smooth, oooooooweeeee!  I can't wait to get it out again.  We made it onto the Original Windsurfer web page thanks to your pictures.  Ted put us in his blog.  What a fun day!  Have fun out on the water this fall!  As for Jeannie picking up a 62 liter board, I think she picked up a kite board by mistake!



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