Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Hey all! Seeing that the wind looks promising for this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday. Great direction to sail Blue Lagoon. My questions are 1, anyone care to join? And 2, we can still use Blue Lagoon as a launch site, correct? I have heard mixed reports. Mostly that kiters still use it. So theoretically we should be able to also? Thanks for the info in advance and I hope to see some of you guys out there this weekend!


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Word is that there's no windsurfing or kiting allowed at Blue Lagoon.

Thanks Brian... I will have to figure out if there may be a better spot to go to for today. Doubtful. I believe Eric Dietrich and I will be going to Belle Isle tomorrow afternoon. I will likely just aim to do that.



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