Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

The website that deals with Great Lakes Shipping has stated that water levels on all the lakes is predicted to be lower than last year. Lake St. Clair in particular is going to be down 7 inches. This should make those waves off Huron Point Sandbar ,at Metro Beach, line up even better than last year on those south blows.Now if we can make that white stuff go away. 

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Looks like we will definatley be sailing with you guys this year. We may soon be rigging where we were once sailing here if it keeps up!  St. Clair is so shallow here that a drop of 7 inches means the water will not be deep enough to sail out for a long way out making for an awfull long walk, God forbid, you have to re-rig, You will be exhausted from the walk. Miotchell's Bay and Rondeau Bay will be putting our fins and boards in  jeoprady as new rocks that were not an issue in the past begin to show at the surface. Good thing there are the new generation of MFC weedburner fins, at least if you hit somethng it will be a glancing blow. With a pointer or tear drop, hitting something solid like a rock is the deathnull for the fin and maybe the board as it may pull the bolt(s) through as well.(been there seen it happen).
Just wondering what website you got the info from??

I just pulled this off line

Water Level Advisory


Water levels on Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron are below their all-time average levels for this time of year and are below the level of Chart Datum. Water levels on Lakes St.Clair, Erie and Ontario and at Montreal Harbour are below their all-time average levels for this time of year and are above the level of Chart Datum.

Mariners should exercise extreme caution throughout the entire system, especially during periods of strong winds when water levels can rise or fall significantly in a short period of time.




Aloha Don,

                I got my data from boatnerd.com / News Channel / 3/8 Lower Great Lakes Water Level story. I post a lot of my ship photography on this site along with using it to keep up with activities out on the Freighter Lanes.



Hey Ron.  We're gonna be hitting rocks at Caseville then!  Might be a hike out at Blue Lagoon too.




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