Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Finally, some exciting wind that didn't come on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday! Strong gusts and some holes, but plenty of wind all afternoon. Better yet, the water was surprisingly warm in spite of the biiting air temps! There was a good turnout of at least 11 sailors and a few kites. Guys were on 3.7 to 4.5, and I was on 3.5 and new(used) 68L mistral...(Thank you Lori Katlein!). Fall has arrived in Michigan! Bring it on!

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Hopefully I will be able to get the 09/30/2011 BL photos up in a day or two.

Our side of the pond saw three days of continuous winds in excess of 20 knots. Very unusual! Friday I began at Rondeau Bay on a SouthWest, with the air temp arounnd 60 deg. We had a big lull for about an hour and then it came back very hard West. We were all pretty much sailing around 6m sails and stayed there as long as our little chicken muscles would allow. Finally down to 5m and out for another hour and done around  3. Air temp had now dropped to about 48 deg F.

Ok drive home for an hour and wow ! St. Clair is going off good too, but now I am too tired and cold to sail anymore today. Just home to hot tub and beer.

Next morning still blowing hard but air temps were quite cool most of the day. I went to John's place on St. Clair around 3pm dragged him out to sail with me however when we were rigging the wind had lulled to around 20 so I rigged a 5.0 he a 6.0 and out we ventured, but the wind gods were laughing at us as they pumped the wind up to near 30,,, so my 5.0 was well powered to say the least. John had his hands full trying to hang on to the six. So we sailed for about 3 hours almost till sunset. Some of the biggest ramps and biggest jumps I have ever had on St. Clair. Fearless sailing even overpowered as the wind was on shore.

Sunday brought more of the same although I was on bigger stuff  5.5 and 100 liters then. Still great sailing. many people came out of the woodwork, people I have not seen on the water in years, sailing out with old gear and black mold on the sails. Good job the wind was on shore, I thought the sail might disintegrate. But in the end a good time was had by all.



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