Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Saturday Aug 14 Ann and I are on an exploratory mission to Caseville Mi. Big wind forecast for a NorEaster to blow in on Sunday and it seems to be the only spot within driveable distance (3hrs from home but we were in Tawas Mi  checking things out on Saturday). Unfortunately for us the Cheeeseburger Festival is on in Caseville and it is impossible to get a room overnight either Friday night or saturday evening. Brian and Jeannie were kind enough to offer their cottage to us for the night which we graciously accepted. We arrived at their cottage late Saturday afternooon and after a bit of familliarization decided to go to the Cheeseburger Festival to sample the wonderfull selection of food. We slept well that night owing to an all night downpour of rain, the next morning we awoke to find the wind, was, as forecast blowing in very nicely. My first runs out were on a 6.6 and 100 ltrs and of course I made the huge mistake of not looking over my shoulder to see my starting point. Here if you come in too upwind youj end up on some boulders and can possibly break a fin or worse. come in downwind and you end up on nice fine sand.  Not wanting to chance it I land way to far downwind and have a long walk back. On the second and third sessions I am on a 5.5 and 90 litres and well powered and starting to dial  in on unfamiliar terrain. As the day progressed the waves on the outside got bigger, and bigger at times they were almost head high, and made for some great carving jibes off the sides of the waves, although I was a bit intimidated at first. The water temp here was very warm for an inlet to Lake Huron and I was feeling quite comfortable by the third session. All in all some great sailing and I  highly recommend trying this area caution however this is an intermediate to advanced sailing spot on NorthEasterlies and uphauling would be very difficult due to the size of the waves. Again Ann and I would like to thank Jeannie and Brian for being most gracious hosts.

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Thanks Tom,looking forward to sailling with you soon I hope!  Did you see the forecast on Iwindsurf from last night, for St. Clair for Sunday? What is that all about?
Geez that looks great! I didn't see anything like that when I looked last night. Although I looked at NOAA and it could be accompanied by thunderstorms.... Oh well we have guests coming so couldn't sail metro anyway...hopefully the forecast for Caseville will improve...and we will have gusts in addition to guests. I hope that forecast holds for you guys down there.



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