Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

2.8 & 3.8 sq. m Hot Sails Maui MicroFreak youth sails...includes 100% carbon 310 cm Hot Sails Maui Hot Rod RDM wave mast with bag, 310 cm Sailworks Ripper fibreglass RDM mast with bag, Chinook boom (1) with harness lines, Chinook RDM mast extension (1), and XS Dakine Thermoform waist harness.

Red/White colour scheme. Both sails rig on the 310 cm mast and included boom.

Everything in "A" condition...kids have outgrown the low boom-cutout.

Located in Chatham/Rondeau (Ontario...about 45 minutes from Detroit/Windsor)

Package Price: $600 USD

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