Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

What a great surprise!  The forecast was only so-so, but by mid-afternoon, we were sailing 5.5s  and seeing some nice swells at the drop-off.  Maybe more of the same this week??!!??

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We had an unexpected session in Caseville yesterday too. Started on an 8.0m2, but it came up huge and I had rig a 6.5 and then off the water as the wind came around.  Woohooo!  Finally!

We were out at 4pm on St. Clair slightly underpowered on 7.5 first three runs but still on plane. From there t just got progresively stronger. Ended up on my 6.5 but could have easily sailed right till the sun went down on a 5.5 just too

lazy to re-rig. Ann, Brooke, Peter( my GP) Dan, and one girl on an SUP, and various kayakers, that didn't stick around very long. We sailled pretty much till dusk here.

Yes, I had written off the weekend for the possibility of sailing and was just lazing on the deck drinking coffee when all of a sudden stuff was blowing around and there were white caps on the water...when I told Brian I was going to rig, he didnt believe tjere was wind and thought I was crazy!...But it turned out great I was on 5.5 first with 102L then the rest of the time with 85L...the wind started side shore and built into really fun swells...later it clocked around to almost dead on and it did it so fast that the water was boiling with swells coming from several directions and came up big....the wind didnt quit til Monday morning....looks like we have some exciting days ahead too! Bring it Irene!



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