Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Gave it a go yesterday on the big lake launching from the beach in Glenn.  135L Bic Techno with 50cm fin and 8.1m Neil Pryde Supersonic. 

Three attempts. . . three walks of shame.  Soooo close to being good. I just needed a few more mph to get over the hump.  Heading out I could pump onto a plane in the gusts, bearing off, but couldn't keep it going turning back to a slight upwind bearing.  The waves just killed the momentum.

Heading in I could get planing with the help of the swell, but again couldn't really make any upwind progress.  Spent a lot of time in the water waiting for enough wind to waterstart.  

On the bright side I got some good practice getting in and out through the shorebreak.  And some good exercise.

Next time is going to be great!


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