Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Hello, I recently moved to Battle Creek and am in the process of figuring out windsurfing in Michigan. I am coming from New York state and am accustom to the great lakes, cold weather, and zebra mussels. If the forecast holds, I'd like to get in a session on Lake Michigan this Saturday. Is anyone else planning the same? 

I am very close to Gull Lake, are there any decent launch sites there? Ross Township Park seems ideal, but I am under the impression that it will be closing - gates locked - soon.

I windsurfed Tiscornia park yesterday and went swimming at Wau-Ke-Na earlier this week. I like the  Michigan beaches more than the Lake Ontario. It felt more like I was in the ocean than a gigantic lake.

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Welcome to MI!  The cold weather and zebra mussels should ease the transition.

I know there are folks that sail Gull Lake, so I hope someone will jump in.


Hi David

Gull Lake can  be good sailing, but know before you go: Shape of lake and hills gives big wind swirls and blank spots you have to chase or dodge. I have seen kiters struggle across the lake once and call it a day.  To launch after that park gate closes, Base line Road end is free: dump gear, then park and dress back across the intersection. Or use the  boat launch at top of lake which has a fee. Both locations are in a bit of a shore indentation with a small wind shadow.  Maybe you can launch from yacht club on West side or some sort of campus on SE shore but I never checked.  A lot of the shore is fast gravel drop off and I have never had trouble with weeds. Sailboats and trollers, on the other hand....   But  if there is wind there and distance is an issue, just bring your best reflexes, a largish board with pointer or a centerboard, and enjoy!  

How was it on the 11th? I went out the 11th and 12th at the southern tip of lake Michigan. Saturday was okay at best while Sunday had better wind and relatively flat water. Further north, it looks like the opposite was true with Saturday being great.



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