Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

The 2021 season is underway in mid-Michigan (although not yet including me)

    I counted a half dozen sailors enjoying the unseasonably warm weather today on Lake Lansing.  I could not spare the time to sail, but I watched with envy for a while.  Maybe later this week?

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Day one yesterday.  Two of us out on Austin Lake, Portage. Water temp 52°.

    My 2021 season is finally underway!  I got out on Lake Lansing yesterday with a 5.1 and my 100 liter board.  Not only was the air temperature unseasonably warm, the water was remarkably warm as well!  After about an hour, I ditched the winter mittens in favor of gloves with fingers, and ditched the thick scuba-diving boots in favor of summer booties (which fit better in the footstraps anyway).  I was toasty warm (and, at times, actually hot) in my Bare drysuit, but I think I will wait a while longer before trying a wetsuit.

    On the topic of nature sightings... at one point, I saw what looked like a muskrat swimming toward me.  Whatever it was, it dove before I got too close, so I could not make a positive ID. 

The unseasonably warm weather continues.  Had a nice 4.1 session Tuesday on Lake Lansing.  I got to use my 76 liter high-wind board.  Even with the stronger winds, I was still warm in summer booties and lightweight gloves.  Next week air temps are forecast to be in the 70s.  Maybe I will be able to ditch the dry suit?

Funny you should write that today under a thin blanket of snow!

We are looking at 60's next week, and I suspect some people will be off to Hatteras soon.

Me, I'm rehabbing from a broken thumb/torn ligament, so I've got another month off.



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