Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Just got back from vacation on Nantucket Island.  It was lovely, of course--stayed in the little vacation village of Quidnet, where my dad stayed as a boy, and things there (as opposed to the rest of the island) are much the same.  But, my windsurfing gear was stolen!  Can you believe it?  The village was in an uproar, and everyone said it must be a mistake.  But the stuff is gone, so I need some new gear.

I'm looking for a board in the 90 ltr range, a sail in the 5.5-6 range (and maybe another smaller one), boom(s) from 146 to 180, a harness, maybe some Trim box fins.

I'm looking for old, beat-up, and cheap gear, so as to not have too much of a transition from what I'm used to.

If you've got anything along those lines, give me a shout.

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Hi Nithaniel. Try my friend Malcolm in the Gear 4 sail section of this site under my post,  windsurfing gear for sail. He is having health issues and will not sail again. I understand he is letting the stuff go very cheaply , the mast went for $50.00 so he is very open to offers and has a ton of gear to get rid of. ps sorry to hear about your misfortune!

Hi Nathaniel,

Have a look at my posting from today. I have an RRD Freestyle Wave 95 litre for sale. Almost perfect condition. Open to a reasonable offer. Also, a Tushingham Rock 5.0 wave sail, almost new condition too. I am in Charlevoix Mi for the next 9 days. May have a mast too, fins, harness, and other bits. Let me know if any of this may be of interest. It is far from beat-up, but I could do a pretty good deal. Sorry too to hear about your bad luck. I hope you are back on the water soon!


Thanks for your note.  I just ordered a bunch of stuff from Windance, so I'm pretty well set.  Appreciate the offer, though.



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