Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Hi!  I'm new to the sport and have a couple questions.  I'm around 190lbs and currently have a Bic Veloce 328 187L board.  I'm looking to get to something a bit smaller and more maneuverable, but am not sure what the next logical step is for me.  I'm not to the waterstart stage yet, but feel like next season will be the time when I will do it.  Should I try to find a 160L?  Do any of you know of someone who has something that would work for me at a good used price? 

I'm a graduate student and really don't have much to spend (i.e. $400 or less).  So far, every spare penny I've had has gone into gearing up with sails, masts, equipment, etc. ( I'm finding out that this isn't really a sport for broke students)  I just got a honey of a deal on a 110L with 4 masts (all 460's), a bunch of sails (4-6.7), etc, but I don't think I'll be quite ready for that one this spring.  My girlfriend is also getting into the sport, and I figure I can get her started on my Bic if I can find something for me.  Any suggestions? I might also be in the market for an older 7+ sail if it would work with my 460 masts and extensions.  I'd welcome any thoughts or suggestions you might have!



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Hi Gereon. Depends on where you sail most often, but for my money if you want to go cheap and both sail it for a first true shortboard, try to find an older Bic "techno 253"  My wife bought one in Hatteras over ten years ago after attending an ABK clinik in Keego Harbour at Cass Lake, where she first rode one. She was sailing a Fanatic Geko 135 untill she hoped on the Techno and the rest was history.

I still use this board as a learnng base for all maneuvers, (although she has replaced it with a JP 145 funride)  I did my first Duck Jibes on it as well as full on carving jibes. It is one of the most forgiving boards I have ever ridden on, and to this day I still like riding it when I need some volume under me. It just seems to get you through all kinds of maneuvers. And sails reasonably well down to 5.5 sails, and is uphaulable with little dificulty.  But on the negative side a it does not perform well in large fast chop (like St. Clair on a big day). It is however more suited to bays and inland lakes and the 153  liter voilume will always insure that you get back to the area you left from.


Thanks for the input! 

Yes as Brian says there is a great Swap shop at Keego harbour Cass lake in late April, good time to buy as well as to sell gear.  it is good to hear of so many newcomers at your stage. I think there are more new starters and people comng back to the sport than I have seen in many years!!

I can't believe people don't windsurf more on the Great Lakes!  Even with my limited skill level, it's a bigger rush than sailing, skiing, and whitewater canoeing combined!

Now your talking our language!!!  What better venue, surrounded by the great lakes everything from wave sailing, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, etc.. to flat water and bump and jump, St. Clair, Rondeau Bay, Towas, all within a few hours drive. And as I have said before the winter takes it away from us  but we come back the following year with a vengance

ps once you get the board on plane,,, that's it, your hooked, you'll cut on work, cut on commitments made, cut on your wife or girlfriend,,, very dangerous addiction!!

Yes, I'll second Don's statement and also add the fact that we've got clean, fresh water (no sharks, jellyfish, etc) and great beaches.  A large fraction of us can get to one of those beaches in less than an hour drive!  It's a great sport and a great place to do it.


If you don't get what you want right away, I'd suggest posting again in the spring when a lot of people might be reassessing their gear.   I'm sure there's some good gear out there that would work for you. 

Since you don't yet waterstart, you'll need to stay with something that you can uphaul comfortably.  At your weight and ability, I'd guess that's something in the 150-160L range that you mentioned. 

Maybe you can sell the 110L, and a couple of the 460 masts (match your sails to your masts and keep the ones that go together), and use the $$ toward the purchase of board that's right for you?  Once you're comfortable waterstarting, and get some of your tacks and jibes down on the 160-ish board, then you can look for a smaller board.

thanks for the input!

Get your water starts down.   Then...you can sail just about anything. Even if you don't get a shortboard, knowing how to do water starts will greatly increase your sailing time. My first board was a F2 Comet which was about 185 liters.  My next board was a Bic Astro Rock which is 125 liters.  That was the perfect jump for me.  I loved that board and wouldn't mind getting another (backed up on it by accident) that has a trim box.

Something in the 120-140 range would be a good second board. They will still be a hand full if you get into 5.0 conditions though.

Hi Tim,

Yeah, waterstarts are definitely the next step.  So far, I'm entirely self-taught (other than watching a few videos).  I'm in the footstraps and harness, so I guess I can't wait any longer to really go for the waterstart--no more excuses. 

Thanks for the input!


Gereon -

I have three boards that would fit your needs.  All are in mint / new condition.  You won't be disappointed.  Drop me a line.

Mark Beauman

Hi Mark,

I just "friended" you on this and would be happy to contact you.  If you would, send me a message with contact info!





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