Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

I'm heading to Glenn Lake for a week. Do you guys have any tips on good WS launches in the area? Glenn lake and Lake Michigan Sleeping Bear area? Thanks for any advice.

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Comment by Chris Ferrara on August 16, 2016 at 7:07pm
Thanks guys! Good info!
Comment by Dave Dalquist on August 16, 2016 at 4:37pm

Map = https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1EtzgR1BQl1HUVGDVm3yxjYY-2ag

Select the "Michigan - N.W. Lower Peninsula" option.

I've not updated it in a while. Empire now charges for parking, and their beach is much smaller due to higher water. I've actually not made it out to Lake MI this year, sailing mostly on the Grand Traverse Bays.

BTW, if anybody reading this wishes to add to the map (or take it over), send me an email. I don't recall if a Gmail acct. is still necessary for editing rights....probably.

(Thanks again to Scott Schreiber for adding some U.P. locations.)

Dave Dalquist


Comment by Tim Byrd on August 16, 2016 at 1:21pm

I'll be up there all next week.

The end of Esch Rd (co rd 610), Empire beach, Little Glen Day use area, Glen Haven Cannery, the end of Bay Lane (co rd 675), Good Harbor beach (the end of co rd 669) are all places I've sailed or kited in the past.  All can be excellent in the right wind.

See the google map in the Windsurfing Launches area of the forum for details on some of these launches put together by someone else on this site .

I'll keep an eye out. Often if I get the chance to sail up there, it's all by myself. 



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