Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Instructor info and new book for all windsurfers

There is a new windsurfing instructor program taking hold. https://www.windsurfingipa.org/

The web site is worth a look. It is supported by many pros and others to help promote the sport. It is geared towards getting more instructors out there, but there is a lot of related info as well. It appears to be better supported than US Sailing was (they are also backing this program and forgoing theirs). They are offering a gratis Level 1 rating for those with a US Sailing Instructor rating if you "join" and buy the book they are promoting. Registering is free. The book is about $70 depending on where you order. Already having a US Sailing rating, I went ahead and did sign up and got the book (so I will get my Level 1 rating). It is pretty awesome. It is 477 pages of full color photos and verbiage describing any trick and technique you can imagine and likely many you never knew existed. It gives tips and steps to take to learn moves and tells you what move would use what you previously learned to go on to the next one; progressive teachings. It also covers the basics as well. Check it out.

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