Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan


Thanks for posting the film on this site. What a great film it is! It makes me smile and at the same time feel old. It was great to see what Waltze and Haywood look like these days. The windsurfing gods have treated them kindly. Fred Haywood must be at least in his 60's these days.When OC and I were on Maui in there early 80's Waltze and Haywood had the hot shop in the islands----SAILBOARDS MAUI with Jimmy Lewis working for them as a shaper------my how things have changed.Haywood had returned from England back then setting the new speed record in the 40 mph zone----and today the goal is to break 53 mph----WOW. Naish was this little punk kid that was running circles around everyone even back then.I met him at Michigan Windsurfing in Keego Harbor when he was in town for a party they had at that shop. As good as he was he never had his nose up in the air and was just a down to earth good guy. It was nice to hear him say that as high tech as the sport has evolved-----those early times were also good and fun. The early 80's seemed to be a time to see just how small of a board you were capable of riding. The problem with that is a lot of us put ourselves in a box and really limited ourselves as to the days we could actually sail.Its great to have the new floatier designs of today that are light and maneuverable.Anyhow------Thanks again for posting the film. It was nice to be reminded as to were we came from.

Ron Piskor

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Comment by Brian on December 14, 2010 at 7:11pm


You'll have to tell me about your Hawaii days some day.


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