Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

I am looking for a board for my son...extremely athletic 18 year old. Six foot, 155 lbs. He has sailed with some friends and wants to learn more. I've looked for gear on Craigslist but, honestly, don't know what I am looking for. I don't want to buy the wrong thing. Anyone with suggestions AND..OR equipment for sale? appreciate it.

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Hi Daneen,


I'd echo the advice from Brian - stick with a modern, wider shape.  If your son doesn't need a trainer-type board, you may be able to go right to a good sized free-ride board - that's a board he could use for a very long time.  I still use a 12 year old wide free-ride in light winds. 

The Great Lakes Demo Tour doesn't have much 2011 equipment left, and no boards that I'd recommend in this situation.  We're going to need to put in our order for 2012 gear soon, however, and could order something that might be just right.  If you're interested, contact me or Dave.  There's a link to the Demo Tour on the right side of the screen.

best regards, mike...



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