Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

If you enjoy camping as a means of lodging while windsurfing, I would like to suggest Burt Lake State campground in Indian River.  The campground is just off I-75 about 25 miles south of the straits.  The campground is well maintained and the facilities are pretty good.  We were closer to the older shower/bathroom unit which needed some repair but the others were much nicer.  The campground has many wooded sites and there are sites closer to the water, but these do not have many trees and little shade.

Burt Lake is big 17,000 acres, fourth largest in Michigan and is 9 miles long.  The campground is at the south end of the lake so there is a nice cross directional wind.  The lake is 3 feet deep for about 200 to 300 yards out, then drops to about 70 feet.  There is several grassy areas for set up, but be careful of the lake or dune grass near the shore because it is mowed and is very sharp on the feet and sails. 

We spent a week there in August and the wind was good and steady every day except for one.  One of my goals is to windsurf the largest lakes in Michigan and Burt has been on my bucket list.  If I more time I could have crossed Mullet Lake (5th largest) off my list as it is right next to Burt.  There is quite a bit to do in the area, inland water way boating, trout fishing, kayaking, biking and hiking if the wind happens to not cooperate. 

I plan on going back and cross Mullet and the Straits off my list.

Burt Lake Map

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Good report Tom!



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