Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Check out the pic's below (from the latest Windsurfer Int'l).  The pro's are doing it (Micah Buzianis and Marco Begalli), and the elite amateurs are doing it too!  What are we talking about?  Mouthguards of course!

Next question:  Who led this fashion revolution???

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Yep - No question about it - Jennie was the first to make this new functional fashion statement.
Sailed with a guy from Londion Ontario a few years ago in Hatteras. He knocked a front tooth out while attempting a high speed jibe when the boom end came around a little to fast and with too much force. Ouch!! Fortunatley for him it knocked only part of the tooth off and there was no nerve in that part hence no pain, but it sure looked as though it should hurt. He is still trying to get through the jibe while carving and is slowly getting it.
Despite the teasing, mouthguards make good sense. Might consider it myself (clear though)!
Here's what the editor of the Windsurfer Int'l had to say about this post:

Hi Brian - thanks so much for posting that! I think the pink one wins hands down of course.

Off for a freezing early morning sail in some rare wind/swell conditions here on the West Coast of Ireland.

Thanks again,,


www.WindsurferInternational.com and www.BeachTelegraph.com
Tel +353 851427819
This is a great oppertunity for a public service message! Protect your teeth! Just because a sport doesn't require a mouthguard doesn't mean the sport does not put someone at risk for losing their teeth. If you lose your front teeth, replacing them is extremely expensive and time consuming and will never be as good as having the real thing. I have seen many patients over the years who have had teeth knocked out or damaged enough that they cannot be maintained. Replacing a tooth is not as simple as just replacing a tooth. It usually requires bone grafting, it may require orthodontics to put the adjacent and opposing teeth in a position that makes it easier for the dentist to do a good job, and if you show any gum tissue when you smile, the tooth will probably never look that good. Many times there are factors that result in no good solution and a huge compromise...yet all this could take thousands of dollars and many hours of your time. Make your kids wear mouthguards! And wear a mouthguard yourself! A mouthguard make look dorky and make it difficult to talk..but when you take it out voila you look just as good as before. But by skipping that mouthguard you may end up whistling through the gap in the front and looking like a jack-o lantern. Mouth guard $12 teeth replacement $12,000
BTW...out of all the patients I have seen with missing front teeth, NOT ONE has been a hockey player or football player. It has all been a result of activities that did not require a mouthguard.
Well put!! Funny, Ann and I were watching an older gorge video last night featuring Robbie. he does some crazy moves but during the out-take shots he crashes and lands hard with his mouth almost kissing the boom. Made me think about this article. Also while snow kiting last year, I went down hard sideways, on the water, the bar would just go under water, but on hardpacked snow it had nowhere to go, I nearly punched myself in the face with the bar, and the end of the bar narrowly missed my teeth. Maybe a mouthguard might have comne in handy there too.
Okay, okay, I'm getting a mouthguard!

do they come in bubble gum flavor ?

Not as far as I know.  However, they taste better than most of the things a dentist will put in your mouth if you need a tooth restored or replaced. ;)


sometime we need to ugrade Jennie with a custom painted helmet........


you may like this one: Its for my 10YO buddie for lessons this summer..Sara



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