Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

FireFox browser works with miwindsurfing.com but I have had no luck lately with Google chrome or IE8 and IE9. Just curious if anyone else has had this problem recently.  Still trying to figure out what changed. 

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Thanks for letting me know.  I have no idea what might have changed.  I use FireFox myself, so I haven't seen anything.


Ning is the the service that hosts the features on miwindsurfing.  Ning supports the following browsers:

  • Firefox 2 or 3
  • Internet Explorer 7 or 8
  • Safari 3 or 4
  • Google Chrome

Although you're welcome to use a browser that is not in this list, some of the features on miwindsurfing may not work correctly. 

Please send me a private email if you're having problems with specific issues and I'll try to help.

Here are some suggestions for specific problems:


I can't click on objects/objects don't load

Typically this is caused by something in the browser or computer intefering with normal network interaction. It can also be caused by certain Javascripts added to the network.

  • Make sure your browser is supported. If you aren't sure what browser version you're using, you can visit useragentstring.com
  • Try another browser - a robust browser like Firefox or Chrome is recommended
  • Make sure Javascript is enabled in your browser
  • Double check your security and ad blocking software - installed applications and browser add-ons (like Ghostery or Adblock Plus) can block Javascript, which is required for proper network functionality
  • Add-ons from FunWebProducts are known to conflict with Ning Networks - if you are using any of these add-ons or notice them on useragentstring.com you'll want to disable them while testing
  • Make sure cookies are enabled in your browser

Chat/Videos/Photo Slideshow won't load

All of these features run on Adobe Flash Player - if Flash isn't installed, is outdated , or is corrupt, they may not display properly. You can download Flash here.

I can't see text or links

It's possible that your network's appearance settings have been set such that text has a similar color to the background. If this is the case, you can read text by highlighting it with Ctrl+A (PC) or Command+A (Mac). In this case, the Network Creator will need to go to the Appearance page in the My Network tab and modify the colors on the network.

I get signed out when I click on a link in the network

This is likely being caused by a corrupt, outdated, or missing cookie.

More details of the problem:

Computer 1 - Windows 7, 64 bit, Norton Internet Security 2011: Using IE9 to view MIwindsurfing.com had no issues except for the past 3 days. IE9 will load about 75 percent of the home page and then stop (hang up) and then you are required to force IE9 to close.  It might be hanging up downloading an add.  I then used Google Chrome and it also locks up part way through the downloading of the home page.   I then used Firefox and I have no issues viewing MIwindsurfing.com.

Computer 2 - Windows XP SP3, 32bit, Norton Internet Security 2011: Using IE8 to view MIwindsurfing.com had no issues except for the past 3 days. IE8 will load about 75 percent of the home page and then stop (hang up) and then you are required to force IE8 to close.  It might be hanging up downloading an add.  I then used Google Chrome and it also locks up part way through the downloading of the home page.   I then used Firefox and I have no issues viewing MIwindsurfing.com.

As long as Firefox works, I have a work around solution.  Just curious if any one else was having viewing of the home page (past 3 days) issues where the browser hangs up part way through the downloading of the web page.

Thanks Jim.



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