Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Jim Friske
  • Male
  • Northville, MI
  • United States
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  • Ivan Charkin
  • Michael Filipiak
  • Tom Janicki

Jim Friske's Discussions

Windsurfing at Marysville Beach, MI and US/Canada border crossing
14 Replies

Looks like a good South wind for tomorrow November 10, 2012 and was thinking windsurfing at Marysville beach. Looks like the river is 1/2 mile wide at the beach from US shore to Canada shore. My…Continue

Tags: MI, Marysville, Windsurfing

Started this discussion. Last reply by Don Ferguson Nov 12, 2012.

MI Windsurfing web browsers
4 Replies

FireFox browser works with miwindsurfing.com but I have had no luck lately with Google chrome or IE8 and IE9. Just curious if anyone else has had this problem recently.  Still trying to figure out…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Brian Sep 3, 2011.


Jim Friske's Page

Profile Information

Where do you sail most often?
Cass Lake, Sterling State Park, Maumee Bay
Favorite Sailing Site in MI
Traverse City

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At 10:13am on February 5, 2011, Brian said…
Wow, sounds like you are state-of-the-art with your computer!   I have an older laptop (~3yrs) and can't really handle HD stuff.  Wondering if the Mac's do that better?
At 9:22pm on February 4, 2011, Randy Bass said…
Thanks Jim.  I just messed around with the settings and changed the appearance.  Not much to it.  I liked your video also.  I have pinnacle studio and have just got it working and am starting to edit some video myself.  Unfortunately I bought my GoPro before it went wide angle and HD so the quality of the video is not very good.  I just don't want to spend the money on a new camera.  I would rather spend it on a new board.  I did however get the mounting system for the boom.  I am going to try it out and see if I get anything good without the wide angle.  I will probably just get shots of my armpit.
At 11:13pm on February 3, 2011, Brian said…
I do have the adobe premier elements, and yeah it locks up.  The Adobe Premiere CS5 is pricey though, isn't it???
At 8:11pm on February 3, 2011, Brian said…
The side by side was cool.  I'm interested in knowing which video editor you guys used.
At 12:35pm on February 3, 2011, Brian said…

Hi Jim,

Welcome to MI Windsurfing.  Upload your photos, videos, etc and don't hesitate to join in on discussions.  It's a little slow now, but things will pick up in a couple months.


At 10:30pm on February 2, 2011, Randy Bass said…

Welcome!  A great time to join while we are buried in snow.  I am over in Whitehall near Muskegon digging out today.  I just joined not to long ago myself.




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