Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Hey, fellow midwest windsurfers!  My name is Jim.  I just joined MI Windsurfing forum.  I'm a native Michigander from Milan (S. of Ann Arbor).  I learned to windsurf at the Univ. of Wisconsin in 1991, and have been doing it as often as I can ever since.  I live in Oregon, west of Portland, so I do most of my sailing in the Gorge these days.  

My wife and I just bought a place near Lake Michigan that will eventually be our retirement home.  But that is several years out.  I have a Mistral Screamer (old style) 103L board there and sails ranging from 4.2 to 6.7m^2.  I'm looking to pick up a 7.5m^2 sail and another board in the 118-130L range for lighter wind days.  Used gear is plentiful here in the Gorge.

Heading to Michigan in a few weeks for some vacation.  Hoping for some wind.  I've been spoiled by the Gorge conditions.  Over the 4th of July weekend I sailed three straight days in 20-35mph winds and got blown off the water on my 4.2m^2 sail and 90L board on the last day.  I needed about a 3.7, which I've never gotten around to acquiring because I just can't shake my midwestern mentality that nobody will ever need a sail THAT small!  BTW I weigh in at around 200lb.  If you haven't tried the Gorge, you are missing something special.  I highly recommend a road trip.

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Comment by Dan Katlein on July 25, 2016 at 2:46pm
Hi Jim. Welcome to Michigan Windsurfing. I have a 115 L board that I would like to sell. Perhaps it is a little smaller than what you are looking for but it is a Mistral Custom 284. It is an older board similar in style to your Screamer (I also have an XLE, which was the lighter version of the Screamer which I still sail today). The board is in Caseville. If you have any interest you are welcome to contact me at dmkatman@yahoo.com. Dan


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