Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Well, I just got back from a two week vacation on Lake Michigan.  I finally have a place to store my gear and I was so looking forward to some sailing on the big Lake.  But the gear just sat and sat and sat, waiting for the wind that never happened.  So disappointed.

On the bright side . . . I have never seen Lake Michigan so clean and clear.  After a few days of calm, the lake settled out and I could see the bottom plain as day in 10' of water.  As an added bonus, there was not any of the usual churn of dead algae and seaweed sloshing around close to shore either.  It really was amazing.  Now if only I could order up some wind.  I'm not asking for much. . . .just a steady 15-25mph breeze.  Please.

Next year's vacation will not be scheduled in the dog days of August.  


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Comment by Dave Dalquist on August 15, 2016 at 1:21pm

I wish I had some good news for you, but 1) it's Monday, and 2) I was up in the Keweenaw Peninsula on Lake Superioir in early Aug. and no sailing, the second time in as many August trips this has happened. Having been born and lived half my life there, I recall August to be a month when the fall winds start winding up; not so much anymore.

The Traverse City area where I now live has seen a notable drop in wind over the last five years or so, compared to what we used to see. The stronger winds we now experience are too often associated with storms. I place much of this on the unnatural rate of climate change (just saying my opinion once, & not inviting a forum fight).

7.8's my biggest sail, but a 111 ltr/68 cm board is my largest; I need a large/formula type board ($$$) to increase my sailing time. A friend has large race gear (9.x cambered sail & 130+ltr/85cm race board), and he gets two, if not three, times the sailing time the rest of us do.

Re: clear Lake Michigan water. While it's beautiful, it's not such a good thing:


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