Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Bob Shoen started a document listing the windsurfing launches in and around MI.   I converted this to a Google Doc so that anyone with the following link can edit this document.  You can add sites, or add launch photos or maps, or comment on favored wind directions, obstructions, etc.  


Views: 309


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Comment by Cris on June 28, 2020 at 10:12am

Very nice! I have to check these spots out for myself :-)

Comment by Brian on June 1, 2020 at 3:19pm

Thanks Marc.  It would be nice to do the same for the rest of the MI sites.  Just need some free time.


Comment by Marc on June 1, 2020 at 1:22pm

The friendly Illinois windsurfing site has already a ton of info covering Lake Michigan. See here:


For something like this I suggest you move to a google map format too.

Comment by Lawrence T Hoff on May 15, 2020 at 8:02am


Randy, Pam, other west-MI sailors, what other sites merit inclusion?  Holland?  Gun Lake?


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