Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Please Help - Metro Beach Windtalker

This Message from Chris Lyons:
MESSAGE TO EVERYONE who uses the METRO BEACH WINDTALKER - Tom has been personally paying for this phone line and maintenance for the PC and software for 10++ yrs. here (THANK YOU TOM!!) with just a handful of us supporters (Paying $25-40+). Costs run $350+ yearly (and he's a young retiree now watching every penny). Literally we have a dozen people paying for everyone the past few years.  Shops and sponsors are not there anymore, its' all RIDER funded at this point.  Some 3000+ calls are being made to it so EVERYONE knows what the winds are doing there REALTIME. If we don't get more support this 2013 season, the line will be simply turned off and everyone will lose... It sucks but 2 years ago Tom had to shut down the Lexington WindTalker because of costs/lacked funding. Nothing is there now and its 60-90 minute drive there for a lot of us on North/NE days....
If you use this phone line for wind reports, its time to contribute something reasonable to help and $15 will work if we get 40-50 people helping. Cheaper next year if more!
$15 is nothing to the thousands spent on the gear to ride there. Kiters we know use this line a lot as well having got the phone # (586-783-3112) from windsurfers originally. It's not a free service from the Metro Parks. We need your funding help too especially since there's more of you now! iWindsurf/iKitesurf/WindAlert cost a lot more and have no MB realtime data just the public (1-2 hr. delayed) NOAA readings.
We need 40+ people to step up and help contribute. This is the only email on this I will send as Tom should not have to be hounding and begging people for money. He's already been volunteering his time and personal funds to keep this vital service for us all for many years. 2 easy ways to help:
1. Send him a check this week:

Tom Janicki

22493 Milner

St Clair Shores


2. Use PAYPAL to easily donate $15 with any major credit card:

Using this EXACT (copy it) email: metrobeachwindtalker@gmail.com
I set this PAYPAL up for the Windtalker and every penny will go to him for the monthly continuation of this great tool we all use. Will advise back on who helped/whats raised/donation results later so you're thanked and recognized.
Thanks to all in advance, see you on LSC. Chris Lyons

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