Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Windsurfing, Jumps, Wipe Outs, Sterling State Park, Michigan, Lake Erie, November 13, 2011

Glen, Scott, Chris, Ron and I checked out windsurfing at Sterling State Park. Jeff also gave it a try. Wind was pretty much what was forecasted, 20-30mph. Air temp. was 62 deg. F. and water temp. was 50 deg. F. Chris and I sailed (heavy sailors) 6.0 sqm and were over powered at times. The wind was gusty at the beginning of the day and then leveled off beautifully for late afternoon session. Very consistent wind in the late afternoon and upgraded sail size to a 7.5 sqm.

With a SSW wind, the waves bend around the southern end of the bay and waves become jump ramps on the way out. We literally were dropping 3 to 4 feet after getting launched on the wave ramps. Heading back in to shore was speed sailing. We sailed on the top and sides of the waves. It was a very interesting experience which is quite common for S to SW wind at Sterling State Park. Shore break was very small. Water was warm in the bay and cooler on the outside. Yep, the waves always look smaller with a wide angle video lens.

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