Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

My husband and I have windsurfed for 15 years. Our base was on Lake Champlain, VT. We windsurfed all the great spots in the Caribbean, Maui, Margarita, Venezuela etc... We moved to Michigan in 1993 and stopped windsurfing not feeling safe because there were just the 2 of us and we did not have the land support and it was just too much work carrying all that gear for one day. Believe it or not,, we still have our gear.  We have 2 Mistral Diamond Head, 1 Hookipa, about 10 to 12 sails, 4 aluminum masts, 4 foot masts, harnesses, fins, travel bags, cords and everything that one needs when practicing the sport on a regular basis. If anyone is interested on the whole package, we are open to discussion. 

The only offers we may consider separately are for our 2 new Maui sail booms and our Thule rack with all the components to carry 3 boards and masts.


Dont laugh the gear is in excellent condition, our last outing was Cape Hatteras about 3 years ago and it still worked.


I could only find one photo but I am having problems attaching it, not sure if it will work or not.


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Hi Michele,

Would love to see you and your husband out sailing, but

if you really plan to get rid of your gear, the swap meet in

the spring is a great option.  It's tentatively scheduled for

May 5th at Dodge #4 State Park on Cass Lake. 


Thank you for letting us know, I will mark my calendar. Meantime, if anyone is interested, we are very realistic that this equipment has been surpassed by new technology, we only hope that there is someone somewhere who can see some use to it, I cannot get myself to take it to Soccra.

Hi Michelle,

 I may be interested in your equipment. I have been sailing a very old Mistral Comp board that was given to me. To give you some idea of the age it originally had a tie on boom.  I upgraded to a clamp on boom a few years back and have been having a ball with it. Last summer I blew up my only light wind sail and also noticed that the mast was wearing thin. Replacing the sail and mast have been proving to be difficult. The only windsurfing experience I have is the Mistral Comp mentioned above. Therefore I have zero experience with a water start board. Would your boards be considered uphaulable? Equipment 15 years old would be a big step up for me. I look forward to your reply

Brad, i am out of the country call my husband JC 248-642-1433. MICHELE

I would be interested in the Thule Rack if it's still for sale!

Sorry it's sold.



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