Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

I nice north breeze kicked in late this afternoon to provide us with an unusual evening session on West Grand Traverse Bay. I used a 6.0m/105ltr combination, and found some good wave troughs for speed runs on either side of the bay. The middle section gets a lot of wave reflection off the piers with north winds - bit of a washing machine at times. Otherwise, a nice way to head into the work week.

- Dave

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We spent a long weekend in TC (last weekend in July), hoping to get some wind, but no luck.  It's a beautiful place to sail when the conditions are right.


If you were there on the 30th you should have sailed with Dave and I at the Original Windsurfer regatta in Bower's Harbor.  It was a great time!  Anyone interested in racing original one design should go to Ted's regattas.  We had 6 races and the wind hit 18 to 20 which was a handfull with no harness.  You were concidered a part of the "Iron Man Class" if you did not use a harness.  My forearms were toast.  I met great people and did my first racing on a windsurfer ever.  It was laid back and very fun. Go to the original windsurfer link to the right to get more info.  I am also going to plug Dave's photography.  Go to waterholic.com to the right and check out the pictures from the day.  He take's incredible photo's.  Glad to here you got some wind Dave.  I missed a big day down here in Whitehall, but am headed to Higgin's Lake Camping this weekend so I plan to sail there even if the wind is light. 


I knew about the original windsurfer regatta, but I was there with a family reunion and couldn't really get away.  My brother traveled from Seattle to be there for the weekend, so it would have been 'frowned upon' for me to skip out.

Yeah, Dave has a nice Photo site.

RE the wind, it sure didn't seem that windy on the east arm???

It wasn't windy on east bay. I initially checked the Maritime Academy webcam (www.nmc.edu/webcam), saw wind, and headed to east bay. Got there, and went right back to west bay where it was mid- to high-teens and building. It was cloudy surrounding west bay, but clear overhead.


I'll second Randy's comments on the Original Windsurfing regatta. While his knuckles weren't dragging when he left, his shoulders looked lower - maybe it was the big smile on his face that made it just appear that way.




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