Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

I've got blisters on my fingers (with apologies to Ringo Starr) - long session on Lake Lansing - 7/27

    Lake Lansing delivered (ish) today.  I was on the water for more than three hours, not planing continuously, but planing enough of the time that I did not want to take a break.  Apparently, my day job, writing Appellate briefs, is not conditioning my hands for actual work. 

    I hope everyone got in some sailing time this weekend.  I counted five other windsurfers on the water with me today.  I sailed what is fast becoming my go-to setup: 103 liter RRD twin-tip and 6.3 Hansen wave sail.  Highlight of the day was landing a Vulcan among all the power boats lining up at the launch ramp to high-tail it off the water as the wind picked up.


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I got two days in at the pier in Muskegon. Friday was 8 to 10 non planning. Never picked up. Just practiced pivot jibes and cruised around. Saturday was three hours of blasting. Best day of the summer for me. I am so sore. It feels so good. 15 kites inside the pier and one dinosaur having a blast on his windsurfer! Glad you got out!
As for the girly hands, I have a friend in central Illinois who sails with football receiver gloves. I could not find any but bought batter's gloves and they work great. No blisters after three hours.

    Dinosaur,  if you want company, even (especially?) on a non-planing day, let me know.  With enough advance notice, I can schlep my gear from Lansing.  If you want company without giving much advance notice, you’ll just have to bring a spare board. :-)  BTW, my blisters have healed.  Hopefully my hands are tougher...



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