Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

   Last year, my first day on the water in Michigan was April 13, the equivalent of only 5 weeks from today.

   It will soon be time to checking those wind forecasts....

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I bought a foil board, so I'm really itching to get started.


I have already had 3 days on White Lake.  They were on ice with my Wingsurfer.  It worked great.  Had three 2 hour sessions of blasting around on the ice.   The ice is breaking up now so back to the water soon.



Any video to share?

None that is very great.  I have a low quality geek pro camera.  50 bucks does not get you footage like a go pro.  All the footage is from my helmet.  I wish I would have gotten my wife to video me.  I will see if I can get a clip to share. 



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