Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

From the windsurfing archives an article from USA Today about late season windsurfing in Michigan back in 2003.

Happy New Year!
From the windsurfing archives an article from USA Today about late season windsurfing in Michigan back in 2003.
Included are some Metro Beach regulars.
This year we had some folks on the water in December and January -maybe a year round sport in Michigan?
 New winter sport: A cold, windy day of windsurfing on Lake St. Clair. Metro-area windsurfers are largely a first-name-only crowd.
Walt in November 2003
A new winter sport:
A cold, windy day of windsurfing on
Lake St. Clair. Metro-area windsurfers
are largely a first-name-only crowd.

Views: 48


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Comment by Don Ferguson on January 7, 2012 at 11:25am

Yesterday was almost do-able at Mitchell's Bay,,, but alas,, my poor dry wuit is in Oregon being repaired. Great deal though for anyone interrested,, ProMotion wetsuits, repairing my O'Neil Dry, both legs being replaced due to nicks and wear USD$ 60,00 plus shipping,, sweet.


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