Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

If you sail at Lake St Clair Metro Park this may interest you.


If you sail at Lake St Clair Metro Park this may interest you.

Take the NWS survey and tell them why a NWS station is needed at Lake St Clair Metro Park.
There is rumor that they are interested in putting a NWS station at this site. Let's give them some positive comments.
It's a long survey and near the end you can add your 2 cents worth.

I mentioned how,  Lake St Clair Metro Park, (Located in Harrison Township, MI) is a popular recreational sailing/boating destination and in great need for accurate current weather information.  This is greatly needed for safely scheduling water events which rely on current weather conditions.

Click on link   http://svy.cfigroup.com/cgi-bin/qwebcorporate.dll?idx=4GMKRJ&STARTIME=10-15-2012%2005:02:32%20PM   to take the survey and add your comments on why a NWS station is needed at Lake St Clair Metro

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