Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Hey Everyone,
Please take a look at Tom's post in the Wind Talk forum. He's looking for help to keep the Lexington Wind Talker going. Maybe you know a small business who would like to help? Or maybe you can help yourself?

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Comment by Tom Janicki on April 22, 2010 at 8:30pm
Thanks Chris for $25.00 toward Lex WT - $265.00 to go
Comment by Tom Janicki on April 19, 2010 at 7:51am
Brian, Thanks - What I would like to see is more support/donations from others that use the service.
Plan A: Ideally I would like to have a sponsor that would pay the total up front.
Plan B: Someone other then myself to do the collections process. Separate checks sent to me would work but I cannot turn the system on until I get $290.00.
Either way when I get the amount needed then I can activate the phone line.
In the past I would get donations and promises but it never added up to cover all expenses.
Last year Lexington Harbor WeatherHotline logged approximately
3600 calls.
Contact Tom Janicki at tjanicki@hotmail.com


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