Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

New Caseville SUP Rental/Retail Shop

Long-time Casevillian, windsurfer and kiteboarder extraordinaire, Larry Ruhstorfer, opened up a shop on the beach in the Caseville County Park.   The shop rents SUPs, kayaks and offers kiteboarding lessons, as well as some retail in the brands you know.  If you're in the area ( a ~2-hour drive from the metro Detroit area) for Ribstock, Cheeseburger in Caseville, or just some summer fun, then stop by and visit Larry.  http://thumbsupkiteboarding.com/

(P.S. Don't ask him where the shipwreck is, but he might take you on a group paddle out to see it!)

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