Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Since we haven't been blessed with much wind, and I haven't been blessed with any free time, I'm sitting here grading papers and Jonesing to get wet, and ran across Shawna Cropas' recent post about some of the Rocking Windsurfers that she's met.

Here's the link to Shawna's post:  http://www.shawnacropas.com/rocking-windsurfers/

I know that there's at least one F-1 driver, Juan Pablo Montoya Roldán, who windsurfs.   And there's Eddie Vetter, who SUP's, and Prince Charles, who windsurfs.   I'm sure there are a lot of other people who have 'made a mark', and who windsurf or SUP.  

From the great state of Michigan, we have Chris Chelios, from the Red Wings who has been training off-season by SUPing with Laird Hamilton in Maui for years.  We've got Ted Schweitzer, and Steve Bodner and Mark Boersma and Tim Ortlieb, all of whom have stood out in the windsurfing world.

I know that we've got brethren (and sisters) of the lakes who have a story to tell.  Let me know.  Don't be shy.  Let's tell your story here.

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