Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Surf news from around the world . . well, at least the US and Canada

Don, one of our new members, send me some info about their local windsurfing blog, so check it out.
It's got some nice links to launches (at the top) and some video and picture links on the right side,and Rondeau Bay is not too far. Don says, regarding Rondeau Bay, that "It is a venturi in South Westerly winds and it will be much windier there than anywhere else I know of and because of the number of sailors
there it is very safe."

Don: BTW, you might want to check out Brent's Kettle Point video on the video page here.

Also, since so many people like animal videos (not me though) you might want to check out this video of our fur-bearing brethren on the water:

( I guess this is what you get when there's no wind!)

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