Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

Toledo Windsurfing Regatta Cancelled/Replaced

This from Nathaniel S.:

And we've received the following about a regatta in Toledo:

As you all now by now the Toledo Windsurfing Regatta has been cancelled, but the local sailing club, Jolly Roger, has had a one-day regatta on the same date as was the

Toledo race. They have invited us to race with
them. We have accepted their
invitation so if you haven’t already made plans come to
Toledo for the Jolly Roger Sailing
’s regatta, which is on Saturday,
June 5, 2010 . Skipper’s meeting at
11:00 a.m. , first gun at
11:55 . Cost
is $20 for the regatta and dinner will be on site, $15 for steak, $10
chicken. More information can be
found at jollyrogersailingclub.com.

They have arranged a launch site on Maumee
at the Lost Peninsula Marina at
the end of Lost
Peninsula . If you are interested, please e-mail
Clevenger at windsurf@bex.net
or call 419-698-3433 for

You can Google the address
Lost Peninsula Marina

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