Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

I started learning to windsurf this year with gear that I'd guess is from the early 80's that I got from my uncle. I'm getting the hang of it, but the tie-on mast is a pain & I keep reading how much better more modern equipment is.

The problem is that I have no idea where to find any around West Michigan. Most of what I'm seeing on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace is too old or too advanced for me.

Does anyone have advice on where to look for used beginner equipment? I live in Grand Rapids and don't mind a long drive.

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If you don't mind a REALLY long drive, come out to Hood River, OR, for a swap meet next summer. You will find used gear galore for really good prices. You could probably save enough $ to pay for your gas for the trip. Plus you will get a chance to experience some of the best windsurfing conditions in the U.S.. Summer vacation 2019!

Wow, you weren't kidding about the drive! I think I'll keep looking for places a bit closer to home =]

Hey Alex,  I do not have equipment for sale, but I have the perfect board to learn and progress on.  I sail a Bic 293 D with 205 liters of volume.  I teach people on it and have sailed it in 30 mph winds.  I live in Whitehall, straight west of Baptist Lake.  I am a teacher and have the summers off and would meet up with you and teach you for free.  I would love to get someone new into the sport in West Mi.  Everyone has pretty much gone to kiting so I sail alone.  I like sailing in any conditions and new places.  I am going to be trying out new lakes this summer.  Do you have a wetsuit for spring sailing?  Let me know if you are interested in meeting up and you could try my board.  It would be the perfect all around board for you.  Merry Christmas!

Randy Bass

Merry Christmas, Randy!

Thanks for reaching out, I'd love to meet up to sail & learn from you! I work in Spring Lake, so I've wondered about going up to Whitehall area to sail.

I have a 4/3 wetsuit & just got boots, gloves & a cap, so I'm hoping to get out as soon as I can this Spring.

Please get in touch this Spring when you're thinking of going out. My email is a.sparks.hull@gmail.com

If you are in Spring Lake, I sail inside the pier in Muskegon too.  That would be a good place to meet up.  I also just tried out Fremont Lake this summer and had a great sail their.  I also want to sail Gun Lake, south of GR.  Great Place to learn with shallow water and no waves.  I will be in touch in the spring.


Let me know when you’re headed out and I’ll try to join you. I usually sail gun lake a few times in the spring before bringing boards up to Elk Lake for the summer. My number is 616 560 zero two two zero.

Looking forward to meeting other West Michigan windsurfers!  Pam

Pam I would love to sail with you at Gun Lake.  I scouted it out last summer but the wind did not cooperate for me.  I have heard that it stays pretty flat for good speed runs because it is so shallow.  I am trying to break 30 mph.  I have hit 29.3 but need flat water to go a little faster.  I also noticed that you sail all over.  I would like to pick your brain about sailing destinations.  Bonaire is on my list.  Aruba failed me miserably.  I don't what to waste that much money again.  Do you have others that you sail with in the area?  Most that I know of have switched to kiting.


Hey Randy, Alex, and pam!! Haven't logged in in awhile!! Just had a son a month ago today so been busy haha! Can't wait to have him windsurfing like my father did with me back in the late eighties early nineties! Glad to see so many of you on the west shore!! I windsurf just on the other side of the pier in Muskegon lake and sometimes lake Michigan when it's not too wavey. I've only seen one other windsurfer in my area and another that wansnt sailing but told me a great spot where there are a lot of us in the west shore. Would love to meet up with you all too if I'm not imposing and that's okay. Even if it's just to watch and learn because I don't have a wet suit yet, focused more on getting up to date on gear like Alex. Got a rig and everything, now just need a board and to retro fit my fanatic 370 but I got a guy that's going to tap and die the aluminium bar I got for that. Maybe we could have a West shore group email to help coordinate gatherings and to let each other know how a particular spot is? I actually live 10 minutes max from the Muskegon pier so I don't mind checking :) here's to 2019!! Also my email is arntzs2@gmail.com

Please include me!  I am only in Michigan a couple times a year, but I would LOVE to try out sailing Muskegon Lake and the big lake.  When you all are talking about sailing Muskegon Lake, I presume you are referring to the area labeled "A" in the picture below.  What about "B" and "C"?  That's what I think looks like the most fun.


Yes A is where I surf at, B is where you can be pretty much safe from waves and most of the boaters, aside from a few anchored out, the North C I'm not sure but the South C has a lot of kiters and during summer tons of people, hard to find a spot close to the water to rig up. If you go about 500-1000 feet South the beaches along that road can be less busy and from parking to the water is 100 getf at most. My only problem with A is during nice weather there are a lot of boaters going every which way. I drew up a picture with your picture but don't know if you can see the blue and green lines, those are where I launch from and parking respectively. But during the cooler times, it's high winds and flat water. Great for learning. Edit: I couldn't upload the pictures from my phone. Not sure how to get them on here like you did Jim. I'll look into it though in a bit.

Hey it looks like we are gaining some windsurfing momentum in West Michigan.  Let's get everyone together to sail this spring and summer.  Alex needs lessons and equipment, Pam looks like a pro that can help all of us, Shaun needs a machine shop or some new equipment, Jim needs a place to sail, and I would like to sail with people that know that windsurfing does not involve a kite!  Let's make it happen!  I will be in touch. 


Jim, when do you come to Michigan and for how long?  Do you bring windsurfing equipment?  Sailing inside the pier at B is a blast.  C has shore break which I have given up on long ago.  A can be great on a SW thermal when the big lake is not windy.  You are definitely included.  Just trying to drum up some sailors in the area.




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