Michigan Windsurfing

Windsurfing & Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Michigan

February 2011 Blog Posts (5)

Bonaire Wrap

Finally had some good wind as the week ended.  Saturday was the best day yet.  I sailed 5.7 and 5.4 most of the day and Jeannie was on a 4.0 (or 4.5 ?) and then a 3.7 in the afternoon.  We didn't get in enough sailing this week that I was willing to give up sailing time to take photos - so, unfortunately, I don't really have any good shots to share. 

The 'welcoming' driveway full of snow last night made me wish for a few more days in Bonaire.  I already miss the Hangout Bar:…


Added by Brian on February 28, 2011 at 9:37am — 3 Comments

Bonaire Update

Well, not the greatest of weeks in Bonaire, but it sounds like it's a lot better than Michigan.  It's been windier the last few days, mostly in the high teens (knots).  Wednesday was a pretty windy day, averaging around 20 knots, but the tide was out during most of the day, making it very dangerous to sail without grounding the fin and getting slammed.  Jeannie and I sailed out in the channel, making for shorter than desired runs.  Still, the solid conditions (4.5 for Jeannie and 5.4 for me)…


Added by Brian on February 24, 2011 at 8:18am — No Comments

Time to Defrost

Hoping to melt some of the ice up there, I'm posting a few pic's from Bonaire.  This is day two, and no wind yet! 

In case you haven't been to Bonaire, I've posted a view pic's in the slideshow above.  There's the Hangout Bar, Jibe City Check-In, the crystal clear water, SUPing on a no wind day, and of course the MI license plate that hangs above the Hangout Bar!

The internet is pretty sketchy down here, so I don't know how lucky I'll be to post pics and videos.  It took more…


Added by Brian on February 20, 2011 at 10:39pm — 3 Comments

Valentines Day - Top Ten Reasons For Women To Date A Windsurfer

Top Ten Reasons For Women To Date A Windsurfer (from the Peconic Puffin)

Ladies, are you still searching for that special someone?   Consider looking amongst the windsurfers:

10. The ratio of men to women is 4 to 1.

  9.  They can talk about something besides football.

  8.  They don’t smell… Continue

Added by Brian on February 14, 2011 at 9:00am — 4 Comments

New Windsurfer Int'l Mag is out

It won't be long!


Added by Brian on February 12, 2011 at 11:26am — No Comments

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